Saturday, December 31, 2011

a trip to the shore

In terms of geographic regions, the northeastern coast of the U.S. is my first love.  It's where I was born and reared (yes, 'reared' because, as my fathers says, "You 'raise' corn; you 'rear' children.").  It is where we return to year after year for vacations.  The woods and the hills and the air - it's all different and comforting.  It reminds me of home.

This year when we headed east for the holidays, we stopped in Maryland to see Grady's uncle and his family.  With unseasonably warm weather on our side, we headed out to Annapolis and then to the Eastern Shore.  Here are some things I love: old houses, brick sidewalks, ocean water.  I realize the Chesapeake isn't exactly ocean and I was even a little confused by the lack of ocean scent on the air or salt in the breeze but it feels like ocean to stand next to the water.

As a child, my imagination almost always took me not to another magical land of a fairy tale, but back in time - usually back in American history.  I would pretend to be a white settler captured by a Native American tribe, or a school teacher in a new colony, or a girl like the American Girl doll Samantha who lived in a lovely Victorian house.

Walking along streets such as these in Annapolis and seeing the beautiful, quirky old buildings sends me straight back to my childhood fantasies of living in a time gone by.  What was life like?  What was happening then?  What did they eat and drink?  How did they live daily life?  To me, places such as this are simply magical.

Along the way I caught a Grady-fish.  I was surprised but happy and he seems pretty alright with the situation as well.  We plan on going on adventures together.

Enjoy the last day of the year, friends!

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